Spamnumbers phone number search

People who regularly receive unwanted calls often ask themselves how spammers got their phone numbers. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways for them to get their hands on your phone number, and there is almost no way of preventing it. But with our reverse phone lookup service, you can find out if the caller is a spammer or not, which will be enough to decide whether you want to block them or to call back.

The phone number lookup database you see on our website is not just big - it is also up-to-date. New numbers are added non-stop, and other users share their feedback regarding different phone numbers. You can also add comments and assign your own ranking for every phone number in the database. Therefore, if you see that there is no relevant information about a spammer in our phone number search - don’t hesitate to tell other people about this person or company.

List of Area Codes

In most cases, you will find some background information about every caller in our catalog - at least things like location (by area code), and sometimes also their name or company name.

By the way, even if you receive calls from mobile numbers, you can also use our reverse cell phone number lookup for free! There are over twenty million active mobile numbers in Canada, and we are doing our best to keep the database as relevant as possible.

You do not need any special skills to use the free telephone number lookup service in Canada. Just enter the phone number into the search box and click “Enter” - the rest is done by us. This is the fastest way to check whether it is worth calling back an unanswered call, or if it’s better to add the number to the blacklist and to tell everyone about it.

Don’t be patient with unwanted calls. Spammers and solicitors can be incredibly annoying. They consume your time and spoil your mood, so why should you have to put up with their harassing calls? Our free service for phone number lookup in Canada will help you and your family quickly identify spammers and block them forever.


Kamden, 2018-03-24 02:05:56

Phone number: (778) 669-0439

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1


Trinity, 2018-03-24 02:05:06

Phone number: (613) 714-5307

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Lawsuit scam, claims arrest warrant if you do not call back

Florence, 2018-03-24 02:00:15

Phone number: (604) 546-0271

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

telling they are from collection company

Karen, 2018-03-24 01:59:19

Phone number: (289) 298-5699

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Just dead air when answered

August, 2018-03-24 01:58:04

Phone number: (647) 241-7405

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Phishing text

Jameson, 2018-03-24 01:43:31

Phone number: (613) 699-0263

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

Call all the time

Trinity, 2018-03-24 01:37:03

Phone number: (604) 426-1648

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Its a scam call saying they are from CRA and the arrest warrant has been issued. Then they will ask you to make a wire transfer. They also say that the RCMP dept will call you soon and when the person calls, he says he is the officer and can resolve the issue then ask for money transfer. lol

Alicia, 2018-03-24 01:36:38

Phone number: (416) 992-8353

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

duck cleaning company spam call

London, 2018-03-24 01:30:07

Phone number: (613) 877-2073

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -2

possibly spoofed #; left pre-recorded message

Gabriella, 2018-03-24 01:23:46

Phone number: (306) 997-5689

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Same as the other comments. I hate scammers!!

Raj, 2018-03-24 01:19:32

Phone number: (514) 357-4159

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

I received a call on my cell phone and lady said that delivery package was returned because driver could not deliver it and it weighs around 2 Kgs.
She said the address they have on file is from Brampton.
Wanted to get my original address to scam me.

I told her that I am not expecting anything so return it back to vendor.

Paislee, 2018-03-24 01:05:32

Phone number: (780) 802-6845

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Account with Wind. They should do something.

Jurnee, 2018-03-24 01:04:57

Phone number: (416) 311-3890

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Chinese language

Tinley, 2018-03-24 01:04:38

Phone number: (416) 856-2541

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

Missed call. No voicemail msg.

Zayne, 2018-03-24 00:58:39

Phone number: (905) 877-4712

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

I block a number and they use another one, block that number and use another.

Alan, 2018-03-24 00:58:09

Phone number: (613) 505-4674

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

scam cra would not call they would send a letter

Alan, 2018-03-24 00:53:23

Phone number: (289) 769-1469

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Automated recording said that there was a lawsuit against me and to surrender myself to rcmp. Hung up after

Harlow, 2018-03-24 00:46:54

Phone number: (204) 272-9919

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

From 000-000-0000 - 8:55 a.m. PLEASE HELP!

FRAUD ALERT, 2018-03-24 00:46:01

Phone number: (416) 850-2127

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

Links to criminal activity;

Alan, 2018-03-24 00:43:51

Phone number: (647) 696-7941

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Another CRA scam. They called from a variety of numbers.

Sofia, 2018-03-24 00:42:56

Phone number: (519) 578-8333

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

called many times yet no answer just silence

Rebecca, 2018-03-24 00:41:52

Phone number: (416) 314-1111

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

he called asking for some name i couldn"t understand, then hung up

Mikaela, 2018-03-24 00:37:13

Phone number: (647) 478-2156

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

They left a voicemail stating that I had to call back or I would be arrested for a law suit filed against me... They didn"t include any identifying information about me or the "lawsuit"..very general message. When Revenue Canada actually calls me, it"s on my work number, not my personal cell.

Pierce, 2018-03-24 00:29:11

Phone number: (416) 422-0694

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

This is the third time, today at 6:11 pm that I received an unknown caller that didn"t leave a voicemail. I don"t know anyone in Ontario. Three and four days ago, other unidentified Ontario numbers, never left messages. The last four digits differ but area code and exchange are identical, all from Ontario during evening hours. Other two calls ended in 0041, and 0085.

Noah, 2018-03-24 00:27:05

Phone number: (437) 886-7237

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -4

Scam trading company

Elian, 2018-03-24 00:25:25

Phone number: (416) 655-0849

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

The IRS is filing a lawsuit againgt you .

Alan, 2018-03-24 00:22:54

Phone number: (613) 877-5178

Call type: unknown

Rating: 0

2 consecutive calls at 6:50 pm on Sept. 9, 2019. Caller hung up twice. No comment.

Alan, 2018-03-24 00:10:11

Phone number: (905) 769-0826

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Definitely a scam, I’ve received two calls from them, but I haven’t answered any of it. First of all, I’m a minor, therefor I shouldn’t be having problems with my ‘taxes’.

Darian, 2018-03-24 00:07:49

Phone number: (613) 449-0809

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

It"s a clear scam. The guy leaves a message and tells us to call him back. Don"t.

Cason, 2018-03-23 23:56:59

Phone number: (306) 450-1923

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

This is a recording.

Atticus, 2018-03-23 23:54:20

Phone number: (705) 530-9530

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

Same here! The first part of the voicemail was unintelligible and then he proceeds with the "don"t try to ignore this call" spiel. I think that"s the first threatening spam call I"ve received...

Addisyn, 2018-03-23 23:44:16

Phone number: (778) 839-6734

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

When I have asked to speak to her supervisor, she simply laughs, and presses buttons on her phone so that there are loud noises in my ear.

anonymous, 2018-03-23 23:42:53

Phone number: (604) 430-1091

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

did not leave a message on my answering machine

i wish i could find out who called

Alonzo, 2018-03-23 23:39:49

Phone number: (905) 581-1352

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

Message identified as Robert Williams from CRA. It"s a threatening message to get a lawyer. Don"t believe it. If your in doubt call the CRA on their proper number to ensure there are no issues pending. Don"t call back this number.

Camilla, 2018-03-23 23:36:27

Phone number: (780) 909-9201

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Since it did not come from the same county or my state capital.

Alan, 2018-03-23 23:36:23

Phone number: (778) 736-1151

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Same here. Just received a call. I let that go to voicemail. A robotic voice telling that a lawsuit has been filed against me. Nice try!! Do not receive, it is a scam 100%.

Milani, 2018-03-23 23:34:30

Phone number: (587) 920-7587

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Do not pick-up go see the episode on marcketplace

Alan, 2018-03-23 23:21:25

Phone number: (514) 416-0715

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Same as Marianne & Shiley: Robot called and left a message: If we don"t hear from your attorney, then you"re pretty much screwed :P They"ve been calling from different numbers. They don"t stop. Unbelievable XD

Dimitri, 2018-03-23 23:14:28

Phone number: (514) 491-2000

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

I recieved this call at at 6:24 pm on my cell phone.

Jim, 2018-03-23 23:11:02

Phone number: (905) 930-9091

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

This caller called saying they were from some Somali Food Bank and were demanding money from us. When we said we were not interested they called us back on the same number a few times and continued to harass us. I also reported the caller to the "national do not call registry".

After blocking their number they also called us back on their second line 905-515-8257.

Arianna, 2018-03-23 23:09:02

Phone number: (604) 349-7130

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

Obviously Galil hasn"t yet taught Sean anything or Sean is unable to learn because ... I received the exact same kind of dodgy idiotic call yesterday from that same number. Doesn"t speak well at all for Augustin Financial, or Galil, and of course for the Sean shyster.

Alan, 2018-03-23 23:08:37

Phone number: (416) 964-3953

Call type: unknown

Rating: 0

Just got a call from this number, kinda sounded pre-recorded, unable to confirm as it was not in English or French, so I hung up.

Keegan, 2018-03-23 23:06:33

Phone number: (289) 805-1551

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Just got the call : "You received this message. I need you or your legal attorney to give us a call. This is officer Robert Williams. Our direct line number would be 289-805-1551. I repeat it"s 289-805-1551. Now don"t disregard this message and return the call. If I don"t hear from you or your attorney either then the legal situation unfolds on you. Have a nice day. Goodbye."

Definitely Fraud, I text him back his call had been forwarded to RCMP for Fraud Attempt investigation...

Zachary, 2018-03-23 23:04:27

Phone number: (613) 909-4265

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

i have no idea who it is and they texted me no one answers when i ask who it is but i didnt give my number out.

No, 2018-03-23 23:03:58

Phone number: (705) 820-9875

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5


Jayce, 2018-03-23 22:59:24

Phone number: (289) 339-6314

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Un enregistrement automatisé de langue anglaise mentionnant qu"une poursuite judiciaire était présentement intentée contre moi et que si je ne rappelais pas au numéro indiqué, une arrestation policière s"en suivrait.

trish, 2018-03-23 22:49:26

Phone number: (780) 235-1950

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

got a txt msg during my class. Its none of my friendz so I really dont see who it can b

Kaison, 2018-03-23 22:48:13

Phone number: (647) 247-1703

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

This is the first call of this type for my cell phone.

Alan, 2018-03-23 22:48:05

Phone number: (587) 721-1235

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

I received the same message. It"s definitely a scam. Blocking is a great idea.

Finley, 2018-03-23 22:42:12

Phone number: (778) 771-1668

Call type: unknown

Rating: -3


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