Spamnumbers phone number search

People who regularly receive unwanted calls often ask themselves how spammers got their phone numbers. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways for them to get their hands on your phone number, and there is almost no way of preventing it. But with our reverse phone lookup service, you can find out if the caller is a spammer or not, which will be enough to decide whether you want to block them or to call back.

The phone number lookup database you see on our website is not just big - it is also up-to-date. New numbers are added non-stop, and other users share their feedback regarding different phone numbers. You can also add comments and assign your own ranking for every phone number in the database. Therefore, if you see that there is no relevant information about a spammer in our phone number search - don’t hesitate to tell other people about this person or company.

List of Area Codes

In most cases, you will find some background information about every caller in our catalog - at least things like location (by area code), and sometimes also their name or company name.

By the way, even if you receive calls from mobile numbers, you can also use our reverse cell phone number lookup for free! There are over twenty million active mobile numbers in Canada, and we are doing our best to keep the database as relevant as possible.

You do not need any special skills to use the free telephone number lookup service in Canada. Just enter the phone number into the search box and click “Enter” - the rest is done by us. This is the fastest way to check whether it is worth calling back an unanswered call, or if it’s better to add the number to the blacklist and to tell everyone about it.

Don’t be patient with unwanted calls. Spammers and solicitors can be incredibly annoying. They consume your time and spoil your mood, so why should you have to put up with their harassing calls? Our free service for phone number lookup in Canada will help you and your family quickly identify spammers and block them forever.


Ontario, 2018-07-18 10:13:06

Phone number: (519) 448-8251

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Fishing,,,,Want to get your name and any other information they can. Who are they? Unknown! But I bet they are collection agency related!

Taylor, 2018-07-18 10:05:53

Phone number: (416) 292-6326

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

I have asked them several times to take our number of the list and they will not do it.

Janet, 2018-07-18 09:52:19

Phone number: (613) 689-3542

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Saying there is a warrant out for arrest but doesn"t say for who or anything else

Kenna, 2018-07-18 09:50:45

Phone number: (226) 210-1856

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Claimed to be from CRA, scam phone call

Rosie, 2018-07-18 09:47:57

Phone number: (519) 890-5560

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

I you do answer and ask them not to call they hang-up.

Kenna, 2018-07-18 09:38:42

Phone number: (514) 416-0723

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Robo call saying I"m about to be hit with a law suit and to call the number back right away. Also says that my house is being watched. SCAM!

Ember, 2018-07-18 09:36:21

Phone number: (613) 707-3470

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Me too he sounded sketchy he asked who I speaking to in a Indian accent I told them that then asked for address to verify me I would not tell him he kept asking I said how do I know who you are and when he gave me a western name I really became sceptical as he kept repeating his address I said how do I know you are really there he said come down here I’ll wait then he started saying this call is being recorded. Wrong you always stat that at the start then said he was coming to send the rcmp I laughed and said you don’t even know where I am do you cu there are no rcmp in this city asked for his supervisor repeatedly he put me on hold and the the line went dead

Byron, 2018-07-18 09:32:47

Phone number: (705) 530-9525

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

This number called and left the same message.

Sean, 2018-07-18 09:32:12

Phone number: (416) 558-9982

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

I get calls from this # 2wice a week....when I asked if they could send me some info they new address and were aware that I was on the Do not call list to which I replied "then why the EFF are you calling me then", he laughed at me and called a M Effer.
If you get them to your door have the Police waiting as this needs to stop NOW!!

Orlando, 2018-07-18 09:31:16

Phone number: (403) 879-2455

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Twice in one day - so far!

Lilly, 2018-07-18 09:25:40

Phone number: (604) 432-7283

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

iam going to kill him

Roland, 2018-07-18 09:17:11

Phone number: (250) 434-5838

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Selling Home security systems

Brecken, 2018-07-18 09:15:50

Phone number: (514) 879-0987

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

My number has been on the do not call registry for a long time.

Samson, 2018-07-18 09:15:22

Phone number: (867) 979-1408

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

The message was that I could reduce my credit card rates by pressing 9 on my phone.No mention of the company or card name was provided on the message.

Landry, 2018-07-18 09:14:12

Phone number: (613) 202-1860

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Robo call from "tax department." Scam call.

Regina, 2018-07-18 09:05:12

Phone number: (780) 236-4014

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Called ID only gives Everett, Washington.

Kaylie, 2018-07-18 08:59:17

Phone number: (416) 826-6736

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

i cant fiend ur user name

Ernesto, 2018-07-18 08:59:13

Phone number: (778) 831-7791

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

CRA scam, don"t call back.

RH, 2018-07-18 08:53:25

Phone number: (416) 640-1391

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

They called to help me sell my car. They want to sell me a useless service and create the car ad for me. Promising they can sell my car. When I told them to stop spamming and to not call anymore they just hanged up on me.

Valeria, 2018-07-18 08:47:39

Phone number: (204) 949-3108

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

I don"t answer when I see a number I don"t know. Heck I barely answer when it"s a friend calling! I checked the number on the internet and I"m pretty certain it"s bill collectors called Portfolio Recovery Associates. Someone else getting these calls apart from me?

Emiliano, 2018-07-18 08:45:44

Phone number: (416) 343-8016

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

They call all the time and there is no one there when I answer.

Cali, 2018-07-18 08:44:36

Phone number: (647) 271-1328

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

harrasing messages sent via text

Serena, 2018-07-18 08:39:05

Phone number: (604) 432-7283

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

They called me and I told them to take my name off their list and the guy told me to F off

Quinn, 2018-07-18 08:38:28

Phone number: (450) 901-0118

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

They call several times a day. Let answering system answer and they do not talk. I answered once and told them I am on the DO NOT CALL List and to remove me from their list. Is there really a DO NOT CALL LIST?? If so why don"t you stop these calls????????????

Meredith, 2018-07-18 08:29:08

Phone number: (613) 222-2222

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Scam. Third time in three days. Once phone number Montreal, second # Cornwall. This time from Ottawa. Did not answer.. threatening message. Know immediately it is a scam. Friend got similar call.

beachlover, 2018-07-18 08:29:03

Phone number: (905) 499-2836

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Proven way to stop these calls......

Answer, speak immediately so the computer will transfer to a live person. Then have fun with it, tell them you are so interested, but keep doing things, like answering doorbell, getting pen and paper, getting credit card.

The more you can waste that live person"s time (and wages) will get you off call lists faster than any "do not call" list. I do this, and they never call again, and I have rarely been getting new calls.

Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.

Everett Wilson, 2018-07-18 08:28:49

Phone number: (519) 900-0481

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

I received an automated call from this number claiming that I had unpaid taxes that would result in legal action, and if I wanted help with that to return the call. If I didn"t do that "all they could do was wish me luck with the situation". Not exactly how the Canada Revenue Agency would express themselves, or even contact you, if you happened to owe them money. They would, of course, write you.

Ernesto, 2018-07-18 08:28:47

Phone number: (226) 922-9382

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Similar to caller above, “........if you don’t get back to me I will have to send you to jail” well at least I got a good laugh out of it.

Thiago, 2018-07-18 08:27:13

Phone number: (780) 306-1801

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

Just received a call. I’m also going to be arrested. Didn’t cal back.

Declan, 2018-07-18 08:26:50

Phone number: (204) 818-0871

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

I answer and there is no reply

Ernesto, 2018-07-18 08:23:28

Phone number: (437) 371-5263

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

They said I am calling form Revenue Canada. Do not give them any information.

Rudy, 2018-07-18 08:18:53

Phone number: (438) 800-0481

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2


Hazel, 2018-07-18 08:07:47

Phone number: (647) 491-0316

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

they want your banking or credit card information. A binary scam.

Ernesto, 2018-07-18 08:06:57

Phone number: (289) 813-2565

Call type: unknown

Rating: -1

This number not good he send to me bad message

Galilea, 2018-07-18 08:06:28

Phone number: (604) 899-9188

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1


Gracelyn, 2018-07-18 08:04:29

Phone number: (438) 876-0078

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

This is the fifty-ninth call from this scam. Always a recorded message. I pressed one to speak with a rep. After he said helo, I siad I"d received a robot call... And he had hung up.

Tristen, 2018-07-18 08:03:15

Phone number: (613) 714-0578

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Pretends to be govt. agency, states has "case against" you. Leaves call back number in voicemail. Don"t answer this number or call the number provided. It is a scam. Block the number.

Derek, 2018-07-18 07:58:42

Phone number: (780) 977-6224

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

The person owning this number has a severe mental disorder and all claims she states are false daria needs to see a doctor and get help for her lack of mental state

Esther, 2018-07-18 07:58:27

Phone number: (519) 266-6723

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

this is the 3rd time in 2 days this same automated number has called.

Luna, 2018-07-18 07:57:48

Phone number: (778) 772-8157

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

each time I answered and told them to stop calling.

Ezequiel, 2018-07-18 07:49:57

Phone number: (604) 217-8086

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

They repeatedly call and I have asked them to stop.

Ernesto, 2018-07-18 07:42:36

Phone number: (226) 214-4005

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

La ton utilisé disant que c"est un appel de revenu canada concernant le vol n"est pas clair. Faites attention.

Aliza, 2018-07-18 07:41:21

Phone number: (905) 630-5019

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

I have tried to call this number and it states the number is invalid.

Leon, 2018-07-18 07:40:55

Phone number: (613) 736-4373

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

I received a number of calls from this number. It"s annoying, too many missed calls and if you answer it just beeps too long.

Raylan, 2018-07-18 07:30:49

Phone number: (639) 998-0079

Call type: harassment

Rating: -5

This number creeps on my little daughter every other day

Vaughn, 2018-07-18 07:30:33

Phone number: (647) 862-6638

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

missed the call

Zion, 2018-07-18 07:30:25

Phone number: (902) 478-7243

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

harrassing text messages escalating to the point where I am afraid to leave my home

Tommy, 2018-07-18 07:28:13

Phone number: (514) 573-5106

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

We have received several calls from this company claiming we initiated the call. I reported this company before. Why is this company still being allowed to harass people?!

Martin, 2018-07-18 07:23:28

Phone number: (250) 619-9657

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

This is the second call today! They seem to use different phone numbers. I asked them again to take me off their list--another hang up--they just hang up!

Ernesto, 2018-07-18 07:20:46

Phone number: (613) 909-5240

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

I received a call from this number and somebody told me he is from CRA Ontario and this is urgent call, he also told me that I should call his back. This is really urgent matter. I am 100 percent sure this is scam..

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