Spamnumbers phone number search

People who regularly receive unwanted calls often ask themselves how spammers got their phone numbers. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways for them to get their hands on your phone number, and there is almost no way of preventing it. But with our reverse phone lookup service, you can find out if the caller is a spammer or not, which will be enough to decide whether you want to block them or to call back.

The phone number lookup database you see on our website is not just big - it is also up-to-date. New numbers are added non-stop, and other users share their feedback regarding different phone numbers. You can also add comments and assign your own ranking for every phone number in the database. Therefore, if you see that there is no relevant information about a spammer in our phone number search - don’t hesitate to tell other people about this person or company.

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In most cases, you will find some background information about every caller in our catalog - at least things like location (by area code), and sometimes also their name or company name.

By the way, even if you receive calls from mobile numbers, you can also use our reverse cell phone number lookup for free! There are over twenty million active mobile numbers in Canada, and we are doing our best to keep the database as relevant as possible.

You do not need any special skills to use the free telephone number lookup service in Canada. Just enter the phone number into the search box and click “Enter” - the rest is done by us. This is the fastest way to check whether it is worth calling back an unanswered call, or if it’s better to add the number to the blacklist and to tell everyone about it.

Don’t be patient with unwanted calls. Spammers and solicitors can be incredibly annoying. They consume your time and spoil your mood, so why should you have to put up with their harassing calls? Our free service for phone number lookup in Canada will help you and your family quickly identify spammers and block them forever.


Avianna, 2018-05-05 21:18:08

Phone number: (514) 576-4362

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

Telling me she has pics on a Site and to go sign up.

Elyse, 2018-05-05 21:17:28

Phone number: (204) 721-4873

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

I"ve asked Arbitron not to call me, but my complaint here is made after their THIRD call to me.

Wilson, 2018-05-05 21:10:12

Phone number: (778) 220-1787

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Robocall, automated recording about a vacation package.

Korbin, 2018-05-05 21:09:28

Phone number: (289) 630-1530

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

Voice mail. same as above,....time sensitive and threatening legal action

Alana, 2018-05-05 21:02:58

Phone number: (613) 707-6274

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

I got a message from them, so I called back about 10 times. I harassed them until they stopped answering, then I used my cell, and went after them again.
It got nasty, but boy was it fun!

Bo, 2018-05-05 21:00:24

Phone number: (647) 294-7972

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Plenty of call complaints shown on the web when 9543580663 is searched.

Harjinder S Boparai, 2018-05-05 21:00:15

Phone number: (778) 929-3372

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

This guys is annoy me trying to sell brocken 2012 civic

Collin, 2018-05-05 20:56:30

Phone number: (613) 702-7916

Call type: unknown

Rating: 0

IRS return their call or they will take everything we own..came on our home phone, Asian accent.
last night husband had the same on his cell ..both recorded messages with a lot of background noise.

Kaitlyn, 2018-05-05 20:51:02

Phone number: (705) 994-2241

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

When a scam is present they should try harder to have these low life incarcerated.

Amos, 2018-05-05 20:37:36

Phone number: (416) 389-1111

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

This is the fourth call I have received in the last 4 to 5 hours.

Megan, 2018-05-05 20:33:17

Phone number: (780) 709-1930

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

thank you for the warning!

Koko, 2018-05-05 20:32:07

Phone number: (403) 870-1207

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

Blocked immediately and deleted VM. They were persistent and called TWICE, leaving VM only on second.

Justin, 2018-05-05 20:26:14

Phone number: (709) 672-2995

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5


Ailani, 2018-05-05 20:25:17

Phone number: (778) 232-5726

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

I have received numerous phone calls from this place.

Paola, 2018-05-05 20:21:46

Phone number: (604) 842-5646

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

credit card scam - to lower interest rates was the excuse given

Raphael, 2018-05-05 20:15:06

Phone number: (778) 300-1414

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

I have been receiving multiple calls from this number. The name that comes up is: Joan Desrosiere of Fibernectics Oration in Vancouver, B.C.

Abraham, 2018-05-05 20:12:25

Phone number: (226) 225-8523

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Frequent calls from this no. I have no one in this no.

Joaquin, 2018-05-05 20:11:46

Phone number: (778) 725-0127

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Super fake - arrest warrants for not paying fake taxes, come on

Malia, 2018-05-05 20:05:08

Phone number: (778) 987-3658

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

they say press one to accept ora press nine to stop further calls.

Jaelyn, 2018-05-05 20:02:07

Phone number: (519) 429-2321

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

They call multiple times through different numbers.

Raelyn, 2018-05-05 20:01:10

Phone number: (807) 700-5851

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Got a call from this number. It"s an automated/recorded message stating a lawsuit is filed in "your name". I called back this number and talked to the guy. He said he is from CRA. I said I am in US :) tell me your details because you have wrong info. He just hung up on me.

Alfredo, 2018-05-05 19:59:20

Phone number: (289) 639-2117

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Same to me. Stupid me, I called that number: 289-639-2117, one guy picked up the phone and asked me about the name and my address, he said he had my file in front of him and asked me more information such as when I moved to Canada / I didn"t do income tax,... I confused and didn"t answer, I told him why you don"t send me a letter? he told me he is officer and his name is SAM JORICO, ID: 417J and then the phone is no sound and then I hang up the phone.
I think it is scammer.

Stephen, 2018-05-05 19:56:06

Phone number: (604) 360-4251

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

This caller sent me a letter saying a relative died in England and I"m the only living relative. It appears to be a scam as I am unaware of any such relative.

Haley, 2018-05-05 19:53:15

Phone number: (780) 306-1907

Call type: unknown

Rating: 0

Treten with arrest . 17803061907 DO not call back

Jazlyn, 2018-05-05 19:50:00

Phone number: (514) 448-4265

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

IF this law were enforced, The owners would be in prison and the companies assets could be sold and the money used to pay off the national debt.

Bethany, 2018-05-05 19:42:56

Phone number: (289) 919-5303

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Recording, indian accented, claims to be CRA calling for non-payment of taxes and that you will be visited shortly

Alaina, 2018-05-05 19:41:20

Phone number: (306) 988-5945

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Please review his number and follow-up to ensure appropriate action is taking in seeking justice to get b(6) off the airways.

Anthony, 2018-05-05 19:40:58

Phone number: (647) 839-7783

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

False prizewinning notification from Ray Thompson 647 839 7783

Walker, 2018-05-05 19:40:12

Phone number: (519) 914-2807

Call type: scam

Rating: -5


This # called (robot) call. Class action suit against if I don"t call, I will be arrested.
RCMP, look into this.

jawin, 2018-05-05 19:36:16

Phone number: (514) 654-6005

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

it is fraud ring.....

Barrett, 2018-05-05 19:34:13

Phone number: (647) 945-3817

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

They were selling medical alert systems.

Miranda, 2018-05-05 19:28:07

Phone number: (514) 298-6386

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

They call at least twice a day. The recorded message says it has an important message.

Aliza, 2018-05-05 19:27:42

Phone number: (604) 755-3580

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

Name Unavailable" shows on my phone.

Madeline, 2018-05-05 19:26:42

Phone number: (647) 921-2544

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

Bhadva chor aahe saala. Khandani chor.

Trenton, 2018-05-05 19:22:28

Phone number: (780) 918-8341

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

This was a weird hangup - I said hello, waited for about 5 seconds, then a pre-recorded voice said, "goodbye" and disconnected.

Raelyn, 2018-05-05 19:16:58

Phone number: (289) 209-0070

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Robotic voice claiming tax fraud and immediate call back.

Joaquin, 2018-05-05 19:08:47

Phone number: (780) 306-1792

Call type: spam

Rating: -5

Une voix automatisée m’a appelé cet matin disant qu’il est de ARC et que si je ne rappelle pas je vais être arrêté, pis encore je les rappelle plusieurs fois et un gas décroche insistant qu il est un agent de ARC et je les demande vu qu’il y avait beaucoup de bruit qui émanait que j’ai vite changé en français et insiste pour parler en français car les agents savent parler les 2 langues il a vu d’où j’en venais avant que je lui dise quoique ce soit il raccroche sur moi disant qu’un agent parlant français va me rappeler
Bande d arnaqueur!!!!!!

Kohen, 2018-05-05 19:04:39

Phone number: (250) 298-6667

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

This is the same recording that I received last night. I previously filed a complaint about that number. Thanks for your help.

Yehuda, 2018-05-05 19:03:30

Phone number: (613) 888-6235

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2


Charles T., 2018-05-05 18:57:49

Phone number: (905) 581-8841

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Calls 3 to 5 times a day for the last 2-3 weeks. When I call back I get an answering machine suggesting I leave a message. No response so far.
I wish I had a SHOTGUN and a target to take care of my frustration with 905-581-8841


Royally "PISSED OFF"

Nasir, 2018-05-05 18:57:22

Phone number: (613) 510-1260

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

I have reported it before to no avail.

Romina, 2018-05-05 18:57:09

Phone number: (604) 358-6175

Call type: unknown

Rating: -5

Text reads: Your Rbc online access has been disabled for preventative measures. See to recover.

Jake, 2018-05-05 18:56:54

Phone number: (450) 954-0970

Call type: spam

Rating: -5

Said nothing at all.

Laura, 2018-05-05 18:56:44

Phone number: (613) 975-9972

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

I got this call today. Said is was CRA and they needed a call back asap and not to ignore. Thick accent, the person was almost yelling the message. Scammer for sure.

Raelyn, 2018-05-05 18:55:35

Phone number: (236) 996-5908

Call type: scam

Rating: -5


Paul, 2018-05-05 18:54:56

Phone number: (604) 445-1992

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

This is a scammer tranny stay away

Garrett, 2018-05-05 18:50:18

Phone number: (519) 451-9317

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

I am concerned because they have my name, number and physical address and have begun to be ruder and ruder each time they call.

SickOfSpam, 2018-05-05 18:44:29

Phone number: (250) 275-4682

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

I get calls from this number, at least once per day, never leaves a message. Very annoying.

Dakota, 2018-05-05 18:42:55

Phone number: (613) 702-1077

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Computer voice calls and says to call back or they will issue an arrest warrant.

Keira, 2018-05-05 18:40:35

Phone number: (604) 210-7652

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

when i call back no one answers the phone, goes to voice mail and tells me to leave a message.

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