Spamnumbers phone number search

People who regularly receive unwanted calls often ask themselves how spammers got their phone numbers. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways for them to get their hands on your phone number, and there is almost no way of preventing it. But with our reverse phone lookup service, you can find out if the caller is a spammer or not, which will be enough to decide whether you want to block them or to call back.

The phone number lookup database you see on our website is not just big - it is also up-to-date. New numbers are added non-stop, and other users share their feedback regarding different phone numbers. You can also add comments and assign your own ranking for every phone number in the database. Therefore, if you see that there is no relevant information about a spammer in our phone number search - don’t hesitate to tell other people about this person or company.

List of Area Codes

In most cases, you will find some background information about every caller in our catalog - at least things like location (by area code), and sometimes also their name or company name.

By the way, even if you receive calls from mobile numbers, you can also use our reverse cell phone number lookup for free! There are over twenty million active mobile numbers in Canada, and we are doing our best to keep the database as relevant as possible.

You do not need any special skills to use the free telephone number lookup service in Canada. Just enter the phone number into the search box and click “Enter” - the rest is done by us. This is the fastest way to check whether it is worth calling back an unanswered call, or if it’s better to add the number to the blacklist and to tell everyone about it.

Don’t be patient with unwanted calls. Spammers and solicitors can be incredibly annoying. They consume your time and spoil your mood, so why should you have to put up with their harassing calls? Our free service for phone number lookup in Canada will help you and your family quickly identify spammers and block them forever.


Eden, 2018-05-16 17:09:33

Phone number: (613) 539-8702

Call type: scam

Rating: 0

Scammers are using this phone number to leave messages threatening arrest because of controversy relating to my social insurance number. It is this phone number that showed on my cell.

Barbara, 2018-05-16 17:08:10

Phone number: (705) 706-5310

Call type: debt

Rating: -5

705-706-5310 they say they called from Income Canada.... SCAM

Mark, 2018-05-16 17:07:14

Phone number: (604) 667-5676

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

I have on 3 occasions talked to a real person and asked that my phone number be placed on their Do Not Call list. They keep calling daily.

benny, 2018-05-16 17:07:06

Phone number: (403) 253-3985

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

pain in the a*s fax machine!

Rylan, 2018-05-16 17:03:02

Phone number: (647) 775-9068

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Opps sorry should have mentioned above the website is where you get sent if you go to and select the option that you received a call...with options on getting in touch with them -OR- the Do Not Call List.

Decker, 2018-05-16 16:59:07

Phone number: (226) 493-1504

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

226 493 1504 this number just called me saying they are from revenue canada and with a threat that they will issue arrest warrant if i dont call back...Scammers!

Charlie, 2018-05-16 16:50:55

Phone number: (647) 627-4250

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

They call 2 to 3 times aday with arecorded message that asks question and is programed to respond to your reply. I called the number back to get a recorded message and if you want to be takened off the key in your number. I have done this 4 times and continue to call.

Lochlan, 2018-05-16 16:48:18

Phone number: (780) 224-6481

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

01Nov2013 at 12:04 PM Caller call multiple times throughout the week for the past several months.

Andrea, 2018-05-16 16:44:33

Phone number: (905) 281-4664

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

I press 1 and ask to be put on do not call list.

Irene, 2018-05-16 16:35:22

Phone number: (647) 478-5604

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

haven"t answered the call, but this number shows up on my missed call list at least twice per day, every day. they often call after 8 pm and never leave a voice mail message.

Kade, 2018-05-16 16:27:06

Phone number: (226) 894-2884

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

"Now if I don"t hear a call from you we will have to issue an arrest warrant under your name and get you arrested" 10/10 would fuck the police again

Clark, 2018-05-16 16:18:51

Phone number: (226) 216-2503

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

CRA Scam threatened arrest and lawsuit. The best part it wasnt a person but a computer voice

Martin, 2018-05-16 15:53:09

Phone number: (604) 430-1091

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Got this call in calgary from a Vancouver number claiming to be some dumb f**k from the CRA and wanted me to pay taxes that I never owed try"s to make me go in to a conscience store and buy prepaid gift cards a pay with an hour called around 30 reported to RCMP called TELUS to block number.

Edgar, 2018-05-16 15:48:42

Phone number: (604) 760-0000

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

I received a call from 604 760 0000 I wasnt able to answer it but when I dialed the number it says John Taylor and unable to take call.

Kade, 2018-05-16 15:46:36

Phone number: (807) 700-5853

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Claimed to be CRA with a lawsuit under my name. Need me to call or they will issue an arrest warrant.

Kade, 2018-05-16 15:42:23

Phone number: (437) 371-2700

Call type: unknown

Rating: 0


Aidan, 2018-05-16 15:42:15

Phone number: (647) 931-1855

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

I have received multiple calls and they never speak and hang up

Adonis, 2018-05-16 15:40:29

Phone number: (587) 743-0977

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

The caller left a voicemail saying that I’d be arrested if I don’t return the call. It’s obviously a scammer.

Otis, 2018-05-16 15:39:34

Phone number: (506) 724-1806

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

They called again and again.

Aliya, 2018-05-16 15:37:19

Phone number: (905) 727-3828

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

Call Daily now. Can"t get them to stop.

Michèle, 2018-05-16 15:36:33

Phone number: (613) 403-5281

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Aucune identification

Kade, 2018-05-16 15:36:33

Phone number: (613) 604-2676

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Finally got an answer. Gave them a fake name "Ben Dover" and no other information. Turns out I had a lawsuit against me and owed slot of money. They didn"t like it when I started to laugh and told them what I thought of them.

Kept calling until they blocked my number.

Angelique, 2018-05-16 15:31:50

Phone number: (780) 396-9149

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

This man called me 5 times in a 15 minute time span abd again an hour or so later.

Milani, 2018-05-16 15:20:59

Phone number: (647) 951-2929

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

I get calls from these guys all the time smh

Gary, 2018-05-16 15:18:24

Phone number: (416) 840-3401

Call type: Unknown

Rating: -2

Collection agency. Don"t know how they got my number, which I"ve had since 2014. Suspect online service using SMS confirmation. I have never had any credit cards. I have no major bank accounts and have never taken out any loans. I have no outstanding bills and I do my taxes. This is a scam and I have blocked all of their numbers so far. They will get a cease and desist letter if they continue to call me.

Kade, 2018-05-16 15:15:08

Phone number: (778) 404-1737

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Robo call pretending to be from CRA. Scam, don"t call back.

Konnor, 2018-05-16 15:13:10

Phone number: (613) 701-0864

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1


Connor, 2018-05-16 15:12:15

Phone number: (514) 612-0643

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

mauvaise personne demande mario cassista

Madeline, 2018-05-16 15:07:43

Phone number: (613) 704-2975

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Said that if we don"t return the call or they don"t hear from our attorney, he wishes us "good luck"

Yehuda, 2018-05-16 15:03:09

Phone number: (647) 700-1777

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

unknown call

Mark, 2018-05-16 15:01:06

Phone number: (705) 728-6728

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

The person called my house everyday for a week. Sometimes there was no answer, two times I tried to tell them to stop calling and they hung up with a comment that they would not stop calling. It"s some sort of business or phone switchboard based in Barrie, ON.

Maximilian, 2018-05-16 14:56:54

Phone number: (778) 452-2458

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

call them back all day Long toll free at 1-888-311-1121 see how they like it lol

Miguel, 2018-05-16 14:55:04

Phone number: (226) 222-1104

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

seems others have been getting calls from this phone number.but you can"t call them to tell them to take you off their calling lists.

Braelyn, 2018-05-16 14:53:16

Phone number: (514) 704-7364

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Warning: Scotiabankhas noticed unusual activities in your online banking account, update it immediately. http:// scotia/IM/SURE/NOT/LEGIT/

Paul in AB, 2018-05-16 14:44:36

Phone number: (416) 910-3333

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Received a mystery shopper job offer text from this number. They want me to reply to a gmail account... LOL

Anton, 2018-05-16 14:34:47

Phone number: (416) 457-5555

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Like others here, SMS from 416.457.5555 offering employment as undercover shopper.

Silas, 2018-05-16 14:29:11

Phone number: (604) 738-6148

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

When I called this number from my landline it stated to please enter my number for them to call back.. I did not enter anything. Thank You.

David, 2018-05-16 14:27:08

Phone number: (519) 743-3086

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

i have been caklled by this number at least 20 times (no exaduration).
I have been kind, tolerante, i have asked them not to call, i have asked to have my number removed from there list, i have hung up on them and finally, I have been belligerent with them. However they continue to call and harass and i am apparently on the do not call list.
I think next step is get the police involved.
This is absurd

Gregory, 2018-05-16 14:22:46

Phone number: (778) 733-1179

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

I got this call twice today

Kayla, 2018-05-16 14:19:04

Phone number: (204) 227-5718

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

The name he used to address me was b(6). I do not share this number with, nor am I related to, an b(6).

Kade, 2018-05-16 14:18:44

Phone number: (647) 849-3459

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Saying a law suit was filed on my name and need to call back asap or an arrest will issued that I will be arrested.

Irene, 2018-05-16 14:16:14

Phone number: (438) 800-1466

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

They have called my cell 2 times for a total of 71 times. I can"t get them to stop.

Aaron, 2018-05-16 14:15:47

Phone number: (613) 777-7514

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Me too. Just got same call. Same #.

Cason, 2018-05-16 14:11:46

Phone number: (905) 430-1979

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

I also had Josette call and claim to be from CRA and asked for my SIN. I later confirmed with the CRA that they do not do this, so a scam for sure.

Karter, 2018-05-16 14:07:56

Phone number: (778) 370-2254

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

I have been getting calls from 778-370-2254 plus 777-77-7777 plus many more is there a way to stop this annoying calls

Julian, 2018-05-16 14:06:22

Phone number: (613) 417-3564

Call type: unknown

Rating: -5

Scam call

Alexzander, 2018-05-16 13:53:27

Phone number: (418) 478-1125

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

These people just keep calling. How do we stop them? Do these complants do any good?

Kiara, 2018-05-16 13:48:40

Phone number: (647) 476-8315

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

The caller ID says Seattle, WA

Evelynn, 2018-05-16 13:46:34

Phone number: (416) 737-7593

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Someone by this number called two of my family member, three times twice on one mobile and one on the other mobile.
This is the number 416 737 7593.

Evelynn, 2018-05-16 13:46:02

Phone number: (604) 765-0551

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

C B E, a collection agency, yesterday looking for a person we never heard of.

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