Spamnumbers phone number search

People who regularly receive unwanted calls often ask themselves how spammers got their phone numbers. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways for them to get their hands on your phone number, and there is almost no way of preventing it. But with our reverse phone lookup service, you can find out if the caller is a spammer or not, which will be enough to decide whether you want to block them or to call back.

The phone number lookup database you see on our website is not just big - it is also up-to-date. New numbers are added non-stop, and other users share their feedback regarding different phone numbers. You can also add comments and assign your own ranking for every phone number in the database. Therefore, if you see that there is no relevant information about a spammer in our phone number search - don’t hesitate to tell other people about this person or company.

List of Area Codes

In most cases, you will find some background information about every caller in our catalog - at least things like location (by area code), and sometimes also their name or company name.

By the way, even if you receive calls from mobile numbers, you can also use our reverse cell phone number lookup for free! There are over twenty million active mobile numbers in Canada, and we are doing our best to keep the database as relevant as possible.

You do not need any special skills to use the free telephone number lookup service in Canada. Just enter the phone number into the search box and click “Enter” - the rest is done by us. This is the fastest way to check whether it is worth calling back an unanswered call, or if it’s better to add the number to the blacklist and to tell everyone about it.

Don’t be patient with unwanted calls. Spammers and solicitors can be incredibly annoying. They consume your time and spoil your mood, so why should you have to put up with their harassing calls? Our free service for phone number lookup in Canada will help you and your family quickly identify spammers and block them forever.


Malaysia, 2018-07-15 22:17:35

Phone number: (905) 581-1446

Call type: Spam

Rating: -5

They call repeatedly, almost every hour.

Madalyn, 2018-07-15 22:10:20

Phone number: (778) 888-3141

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

The call starts with a recorded message.

Freya, 2018-07-15 22:03:03

Phone number: (250) 381-2520

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Second time I have received a phone call from this number.

Bonnie, 2018-07-15 22:02:04

Phone number: (604) 449-0410

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

I just called them back to play with them. I told them to call the cops.

Alessandro, 2018-07-15 21:53:26

Phone number: (613) 509-1732

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

same, just received this phone call... scam...

Christina, 2018-07-15 21:50:53

Phone number: (778) 773-5011

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

i answer it 10 seconds later the call is disconnected

Terry, 2018-07-15 21:49:24

Phone number: (416) 795-6757

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Received the message as well, I assumed a phishing link, so I didn"t click the link...

Lorelei, 2018-07-15 21:44:05

Phone number: (506) 851-4738

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

they called, i told mim not to call again. He called back on a line that had the number and name blocked.

Angel, 2018-07-15 21:24:45

Phone number: (403) 295-8578

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

I have once again requested they stop calling.

Quinn, 2018-07-15 21:22:42

Phone number: (647) 797-8266

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

to try to get them to stop.

Bonnie, 2018-07-15 21:22:16

Phone number: (613) 699-7157

Call type: unknown

Rating: -5

Threatening call saying they were trying to contact me and not to avoid calling back because a serious charge had been brought against me. The message ended with,”Have a blessed day.”

Stanley, 2018-07-15 21:19:33

Phone number: (905) 793-5189

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

call They 2-3 times a day an never leave any messagefor the last couple of weeks

Adam, 2018-07-15 21:18:42

Phone number: (604) 437-1473

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

This is a scammer number

Bonnie, 2018-07-15 21:12:21

Phone number: (226) 778-3425

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

CRA scam

Joelle, 2018-07-15 21:09:30

Phone number: (416) 964-8338

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Voice recording from "CRA" threatening legal action against me unless I call number provided

Victor, 2018-07-15 20:56:05

Phone number: (514) 742-2877

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

No one on the other end on this number

Morgan, 2018-07-15 20:54:30

Phone number: (613) 706-1747

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

They tried to scam me today as well. The same pattern, same name.

Bonnie, 2018-07-15 20:54:09

Phone number: (613) 927-9856

Call type: spam

Rating: -5

Says that he"s a cop

Martin, 2018-07-15 20:51:39

Phone number: (819) 375-5791

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Complaint. It send me SMS trough a recorded message, it"s usuless because you can"t understand anything.
I hope this kind of services will be blocked,

Boston, 2018-07-15 20:47:40

Phone number: (780) 306-1753

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Message left said that I was under investigation for a legal matter and that my house was under surveillance, and not to ignore this phone call.

Manuel, 2018-07-15 20:45:55

Phone number: (778) 872-6194

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Sidney here is the hookup site I told you I got tons of action on, casualsCA. com - Way easier than dating, you will do well on there. Do you still need a ride?

Elisa, 2018-07-15 20:44:07

Phone number: (778) 785-6151

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

Get LOST!!! And find something better to do with your time, idot!! I am NOT interested in buying anything!!!

Connor, 2018-07-15 20:43:20

Phone number: (604) 304-2210

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Caller said hello like they knew us - started to speak like a telemarketer - we said we were busy with dinner - they politely ended call.

Ayla, 2018-07-15 20:18:08

Phone number: (416) 247-2719

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

This was an unsolicited phone call and we don"t answer anything that we don"t recognize.

Charley, 2018-07-15 20:05:20

Phone number: (226) 792-8635

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -4

They call constantly, after I have asked them to stop and put me on their "Do not call list." They continue to call, I don"t answer them, and they still call. They never give the name of the company, or their name. If I call them back to ask them to stop, after they keep calling me, they just hang up on me.

Layne, 2018-07-15 20:00:32

Phone number: (613) 909-5041

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Claimed to be officer Sean something I laughed and hung up

Layne, 2018-07-15 19:58:42

Phone number: (416) 946-3328

Call type: spam

Rating: -5

Left an automated message in Chinese on my voicemail.

Colby, 2018-07-15 19:56:29

Phone number: (778) 839-9940

Call type: Spam

Rating: -1

Called me at 12:45am, hung up after 2 rings??

Layne, 2018-07-15 19:55:59

Phone number: (514) 900-5104

Call type: unknown

Rating: 0


anonymous, 2018-07-15 19:44:45

Phone number: (613) 736-4371

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

This is always a fax machine when my answering machine picks up. It calls every 2-5 minutes for 3-4 times in a row and then quits. Please stop calling random numbers that have nothing to do with your business. Let the computer do something useful instead of aggravating.

Phoenix, 2018-07-15 19:43:22

Phone number: (613) 777-7965

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Total scammers. I kept calling back and hanging up. Then he got smart and kept hanging up on me first ring. Don"t think I will be getting anymore calls from him

Violeta, 2018-07-15 19:39:52

Phone number: (403) 870-1207

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Call from CRA... saying warrant for arrest from RCMP
No institution, police department will call to say you have a warrant for your arrest,

Elaina, 2018-07-15 19:36:28

Phone number: (226) 317-3092

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -5

Received a call says CRA is going after me, definitely a scam.

Mae, 2018-07-15 19:31:14

Phone number: (226) 799-7738

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

Get a caller display and a caller display unit. Connect to phone line. Don"t connect your phone to the caller display unit. When phone rings the flash will light but you won"t hear it. If you recognize the call, you can answer it. If not, look it up here. Then decide whether to retain the number on the caller display unit to count the call frequency or simply delete it.

Duke, 2018-07-15 19:27:42

Phone number: (289) 277-3416

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -1

Got a call from this number really freaked me out. Glad i saw this though.

Darren, 2018-07-15 19:20:45

Phone number: (403) 215-3303

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

He was rude and would not let me speak. Told me that i was ignoring he and not cooperative. i told him i was not going to argue with him and he said then i wanted to be sued and i said no and he said that was bull and that if i don"t contact him back by 7am the next day he would sue me. He was yelling at me so bad that when I got off the phone I cried. I have never had a collection agency talk to me that why ever. I believe that this man broke all rules for collection.

Bridget, 2018-07-15 19:08:43

Phone number: (905) 563-7896

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

He attempted to continue the conversation regarding extended warranties.

Ryder, 2018-07-15 19:01:30

Phone number: (226) 828-9843

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

They called me today. I told them that I know this is a scam and I don"t want to waste my time. he said sure, we will release your case and you will get arrested. I said looking forward to it.

Thanks for the heads up guys!!

Cannon, 2018-07-15 18:59:08

Phone number: (613) 927-9250

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

Tax scam!!! Recorded message there was a criminal charge filled against me.

CJ, 2018-07-15 18:55:17

Phone number: (204) 729-0955

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

This number has shown up several times on my call display. It always appears as "MTS" without any name listed. Also, there isn"t ever a telephone message left and when I called this number back (long distance because it is on a Brandon, Manitoba exchange), an answering machine states that the name of the company is Midwest and they are calling on behalf of MTS products and services...definitely a phone solicititation call...FROM THE PHONE COMPANY ITSELF!

Kingsley, 2018-07-15 18:51:04

Phone number: (437) 887-2208

Call type: Spam

Rating: -3

They show Null. Keep calling for collecting info under cover of Marketing

Layne, 2018-07-15 18:49:05

Phone number: (604) 426-1076

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Just received the same threatening message...scam

Brentley, 2018-07-15 18:48:38

Phone number: (780) 318-0800

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

Where selling car re-financing, I told them I was on Do Not Call, list, told them to stop

Jolie, 2018-07-15 18:40:43

Phone number: (613) 519-9853

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

They are a scam! They call people in Quebec with an Ontario phone number tell them they are commiting tax faud...

Bjorn, 2018-07-15 18:34:51

Phone number: (250) 220-1011

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

I had an East Indian woman called saying she would help us because our computer was erroring and was going to crash at any minute we told her we would talk to our provider if we needed help she stopped talking.

Donald, 2018-07-15 18:31:28

Phone number: (514) 889-3528

Call type: Spam

Rating: -2

SPAM Do not enter your Banking Info:
Message Recieved.
Your RBC Royal Bank account is blocked. Click here to restore your card access:

Layne, 2018-07-15 18:26:23

Phone number: (604) 449-0410

Call type: scam

Rating: -5

Excuse my grammar - "hear" back!

Dominic, 2018-07-15 18:17:43

Phone number: (226) 223-9924

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -2

robocall offering reduction of credit card rates

Allison, 2018-07-15 18:14:16

Phone number: (204) 674-5630

Call type: Spam

Rating: -4

Canada Revenue Agency Scam, do not answer, do not care about their fake arrest warrants, called once left message stating the above,

Brian, 2018-07-15 18:06:28

Phone number: (604) 821-1067

Call type: Harassment

Rating: -3

this is a trans girl scammer

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